Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sickness and Health

I practice yoga, for that reason when I sick -is really very unusually for me- I do the Reiki to myself. Reiki is a spiritual practice developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui and It´s sometimes classified as oriental medicine. With that technique you can transfer healing energy in the form of “ki” through the palms and heal yourself or others. Reiki works with the meridian energy lines and chakras.

I prefer to use traditional medicine than modern medicine, because modern medicine sometimes works in a bad way. By other hand in my country is usual drink some herbal tea for headache, stomachache, earache, toothache and others pains.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A review

In Calgary, I have visited many restaurants. I like trying different flavors of food from different countries and in Calgary I had the opportunity to try Japanese food, Chinese, South Korean, Arabic and of course Canadian. I have enjoyed the Canadian restaurants like Restaurant Rush.

In this restaurant the service is great, food and atmosphere are fantastic. The wait staff is very helpful, nice and friendly. They have a great menu also.